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  • Writer's pictureDACERPHILLIPS Dacphill-Investment

4 great Business tools or a B2B for industry newcomers

Updated: Feb 19, 2019

Business Owner. Any person, firm, or corporation holding legal title to both intangible and tangible property of a corporation. Ownership is the power to exclusively control and use for one's own purposes, that which is owned. Business management tools are all the systems, applications, controls, calculating solutions, methodologies, etc. used by organizations to be able to cope with changing markets, ensure a competitive position in them and improve business performance. ... Tools used for controlling and improving business processes.

Business management tools are all the systems, applications, controls, calculating solutions, methodologies, etc. used by organizations to be able to cope with changing markets, ensure a competitive position in them and improve business performance.[1][2]

There are tools related to each organization's department which lead us to classify them in tools for each aspect of management.[3] For example: planning tools, process tools, records tools, employee related tools, decision making tools, control tools, etc. A classification by function would consider these general aspects:

Tools used for data input and validation in any department.Tools used for controlling and improving business processes.Tools used for data consolidation and decision making.

Nowadays, management tools have evolve dramatically in last decade thanks to fast technology advances, so fast that it is difficult to select the best business tools for any situation in any company.[4] This is caused by a never ending fight for lower costs and increase sales, the willing for understanding the customers' needs and the fight for delivering the products that meets their need in the way they require.

Under this scenario managers should take a strategic attitude to business management tools instead of going for latest tool. Usually managers rely on the tools without any adaptation which leads to an unstable situation. Business management tools should be selected carefully, and then adapted to the organization needs and not the other way around.[5] For more related topics here: REFERENCE

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